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Find Government Books

340 Law

341 Law of nations

342 Constitutional & administrative law

343 Military, defense, public property, public finance, tax, commerce (trade), industrial law

344 Labor, social service, education, cultural law

345 Criminal law

346 Private law

347 Procedure & courts

348 Laws, regulations, cases

349 Law of specific jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions, regional intergovernmental organizations

350 Public administration & military science

350 Public administration & military science

351 Public administration

352 General considerations of public administration

353 Specific fields of public administration

354 Public administration of economy & environment

355 Military science

356 Foot forces & warfare

357 Mounted forces & warfare

358 Air & other specialized forces & warfare; engineering & related services

359 Sea forces & warfare

360 Social problems & services; associations

361 Social problems & services

362 Social problems of & services to groups of people

363 Other social problems & services

364 Criminology

365 Penal & related institutions

320 Political science (Politics & government)

321 Systems of governments & states

322 Relation of state to organized groups & their members

323 Civil & political rights

324 The political process

325 International migration & colonization

326 Slavery & emancipation

327 International relations

328 The legislative process