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English 2010

English 2010 (Intermediate Research Writing) is the "Research Paper" class at Snow College.

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Electronic Books are available through the Snow College Ebook databases

As a student at Snow College, you have access to electronic books through our ProQuest ebook database and our Libby by Overdrive database. Both databases provide academic-level ebooks for your learning and research needs.  Click on the links below to access the databases. If you are off-campus, you will need to log-in using your MySnow log-in credentials.

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Depending on the topic being researched, books from any part of the library could be used.

One subject that seems to get a lot of use in English 2010 is the "controversial topic" paper.

Much of this is found in the 300s (social sciences) area in the library.

  • 320 Political Science
  • 330 Economics
  • 340 Law
  • 350 Public Administration & Military Science
  • 360 Social Problems & Services (browsing this area can often lead to a topic of interest)
  • 370 Education

You can check the DVD area and the book shelves for these call numbers.

The library also has access to over 150,000 eBooks