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Virtual Library Research Guide

This guide provides help on accessing Snow College library resources

 How to Access Library Resources When You Are Not on Campus.

Access Anywhere

     Access Anywhere

Login Problems?

Login Troubleshooting

There are some things that can go wrong when you try to access databases off campus:

Invalid User Name or Password. Please try again.
Double check to make sure that you entered your MySnow ID and password correctly. If you still get the invalid user name message, contact the Snow College Computer Help Desk or try resetting your password. Generally this can be fixed immediately, but may take 1-2 working days in some cases.

You reached a login page, but it is not the Snow College Off-Campus login page (login.snowcollege.idm.oclc.org/), it is from the actual database
You may have tried to go to a database directly instead of through a link on a Snow College Library page. If that is the case you will need to start over using a link from one of the Snow College Library websites below--that is the only way a database knows you are a legal user of the database (ie., that the library paid for you to access it).

Cookies must be enabled on your browser.

Specific database
If you can log into some databases, but not others it generally means the database is having a problem and you'll have to wait until the problem is resolved, generally by the next day.

Still having trouble? Contact the Snow College Computer Help Desk or Ask-a-Librarian